» Gifted: The Docuseries

Let's Talk About Life
Let's Talk About Life
Gifted: The Docuseries

Robert Horsey, RN, BSN, CPTC, CCTC, and CEO of Gifted Productions, has worked in organ procurement organizations and two transplant centers and is certified in donation and transplantation. Who better to share meaningful stories with to inspire, encourage, and educate the masses? Robert is also the author of the book Gifted and the producer of a docu-series of the same name, which tells real-life stories of the courage of donor families and those facing transplantation.

Statistically, about 90% of the US population supports the idea of organ donation, but only 56% are registered donors in Ohio. We do know that when a person hears the story of a recipient, a living donor, a donor family member, or meets someone whose life has been impacted by donation, the reluctance to discuss or consider donation fades away. One strategy for combating this reluctance is to share these emotional, inspirational stories as much as possible and in many ways. This podcast aims to achieve just that, and we’re fortunate to have an army of talented writers, other podcast hosts, producers, and marketers & social media professionals working simultaneously on promoting organ, eye, and tissue donation.

Robert has embraced the challenge of using storytelling to raise awareness and increase donor registrations. His goal is to share real-life circumstances with audiences and inspire, encourage, and educate about the impact of organ, eye, and tissue donation.