
Online Grief Resources

Online Grief Support Resources

General Bereavement 

A website that promotes grief education, exploration, and expression in both practical and creative ways. WhatsYourGrief provides the public with education that reaches beyond generalization, practical and has specific suggestions for moving forward, modes of self-exploration and self-expression that suit all types of thinkers and doers, ways to honor and remember deceased loved ones and a supportive community. 

An online grief support that tends to your body, mind, & spirit

One of the first and biggest online support groups, has a variety of forums so participants can connect and share experiences.

Children and Loss

National Alliance for Grieving Children 

Provides list of local support groups and resources for talking with children about grief.

Dougy Center 

Online resources and activities for children who are grieving

Neonatal/Infant Death  

MISS Foundation’s website where you will find quick access to counseling resources, advocacy information, research on traumatic grief, education for healthcare providers and community members, and support services for those grieving the death, or impending death, of a child.

Offers a toll-free education and support phone line to assist women and families facing pregnancy loss. APA also provides education services for infertility, pregnancy health, and pregnancy complication

Providing Birth and Postpartum Services for Pregnancy and Infant Loss

Loss of a Child

Bereaved Parents of the USA to provide a safe space where grieving families can connect, share our stories, and learn to rebuild our lives. We attend meetings whenever we can and for as long as we find helpful. We share our fears, confusion, anger, guilt, frustrations, emptiness, and feelings of hopelessness, knowing these emotions will be met with compassion and understanding. As we support, comfort and encourage one another, we offer hope and healing.

Alive Alone

Compassionate support for families whose children are deceased.

Cope Foundation

COPE connects individuals who have experienced similar losses by offering ongoing emotional support, spiritual and therapeutic programs, as well as appropriate resources and referrals. By providing help and support, we enable grieving individuals to find strength from within to face the difficult journey that lies ahead.

Sibling Loss

Sibling Support Groups – Free Grief Support Programs for Adults and Kids | COPE (

COPE allows a place of healing and connectedness in your time of grief. A sibling support group is offered to help you along your journey. This will allow you to feel connected to your sibling, as well as others sharing similar losses.

Suicide Loss

American Association of Suicidology

Association of Suicidology (AAS) The American Association of Suicidology (AAS) provides Directory of Support Groups listed by state. Also includes support groups in Canada

Sibling Survivors

An individual runs this website to provide online resources for sibling suicide survivors

Suicide Loss Survivors | Alliance of Hope

Online support for families coping with a loved one’s loss due to suicide.

Loss to Overdose

Grief Recovery After Substance Passing 

Grief Recovery After Substance Passing (GRASP) was created to offer understanding, compassion, and support for those who have lost someone they love through addiction and overdose.

Loss To Homicide

National Organization of Parents of Murdered Children

Message boards, support services, legal tips and advice from experts regarding investigations, media coverage, etc.

Online support for families coping with a loved one’s loss due to homicide.


The stories of our donor and recipient families are powerful, moving celebrations of life, hope, and love that get to the heart of why we do what we do, and the difference we can all make. Lifebanc believes that anyone can be a hero – and we see it every day in the generous decisions of people and families who choose and support organ and tissue donation. We’d like you to meet some of these heroes, and some of the Northeast Ohio neighbors they are helping.

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